Monday 29 July 2013

Create connections with blogging

As marketing goes the power of blogging is a new phenomenon and is one that many of us have not realised how and why it works. The internet thrives on connections and links and so if we blog daily then the web spiders have to keep an eye on what your sites are up to. The Empower Network is a business builder based on a blogging platform designed to create links between users of the internet and thus creating customers. It has been shown that thousands of dollars or pounds if you're British can be earned on a continual basis.

I left college with a degree in Graphic Design and went to work in the advertising industry as an Art director. It was what I had dreamed of; I was doing a job that I loved, being a designer and artist, producing creative work. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re neccessarly going to be instantly rich and able to live the high life.

Basically, I am trading my time for money and I just happen to be lucky enough to be doing something I love. But what if I could do something that I loved and was paid enough money that I didn’t have to work more than two hours a day and had enough time to socialise, spend time with your friends and family, go away on holidays or go traveling. in my time as a graphic designer I simply had to work at least eight hours a day and often we worked all night and weekends. I never complained but I was in a rut and I definitely was not RICH.

What if I had a job that gave me enough money that I could work only two hours a day giving me the freedom to do whatever I wanted with the rest of my time.

Well, guess what, this is precisely what The Empower Network gives you, the ability to free up your time so that you can you use that time to do all the things that you’ve always dreamed of. And fact is that being part of the Empower Network you can enjoying yourself in any part of the world and still be ably to profit from the system provided that you have an internet connection because this business works with the power of blogging, in fact it’s essential that we bog every single day.

And if you are lucky enough to be in an exotic part of the world then you will have a ready-made source of inspiration about which to blog. Today I have come down to Devon in the South West of England to a very beautiful region on the coast and the weather is the best it has been so far this year, we are in for a lovely weekend.

Tomorrow we are going down to the Barbican in Plymouth, an area that is steeped in history and has recently been re-generated. It has many Elizabethan buildings, alleyways and features, Quayside shops and restaurants and of course, the beautiful sea stretching out of Plymouth sound towards the English Channel. Just up the hill is Plymouth Hoe where famously Sir Francis Drake decided to finish his game of Bowls before setting sail to defeat the Spanish Armada.

I just thank the lucky stars that I joined the Empower network so that I have the freedom to use my time to see my family and friends and visit the places in the world that really matter to me, and what’s more it’s my birthday today, YIPPEE!.