Monday 23 November 2009

Wolf's Hair and Beauty - Success on the Web

When a business decides to change it's name, my advice is: 'You had better have a good reason for changing it and we'd better come up with a very good Identity'. Wolf's Hair and Beauty owner had a good argument. She had bought a salon called 'The Studio' and wanted to move away from the rather bland anonymous personality that it presented. Being called Wolfenden she decided on 'Wolf's' Hair and Beauty and we went ahead with designing a strong powerful logo.

When she saw the design it was an instant success but there was one element that unsettled her. Jan wanted the spikes in the halo to have rounded tips. So we looked at that and agreed it softened the image. The Wolf's logo has become one of the most recognised logo's in Uxbridge and the Wolf's website comes up on page one of search engine results. The website is having a dramatic effect on customer numbers with most of the new contacts coming as a result of internet searches.

So we have a new name, a website and good publicity. What we need now is for customers to have a great experience once they arrive at the salon, so we looked at styling the interior trying to create a warm, relaxing, comfortable environment for customers. When presenting to the client we showed different colour schemes, some to recommend but also sometimes it's good to show what doesn't work, this soften re-enforces the elements that give the best feeling and atmosphere.

Friday 6 November 2009

The nta website

It has become more and more essential for companies to use the internet to communicate their products and services to the marketplace. Advertising and design consultants are no exception and should be using the web as a shop window for their skills and services

Having a website in today's business world is vital but what type of site should you go for and what information should you be presenting.

Our advice is to keep it simple, easy to read and to navigate. Make it inviting and interesting and offer the viewer a reason to visit each page and contact you for more details. Don't overload the pages with too much detail, you want the reader to call you to arrange a meeting.Each site should have a style or personality with which the viewer can feel comfortable and welcome. We are concerned with making the site look good and this can go a long way to convincing your potential customer. The tone of voice is also very important as this will give a strong indication of the type of people that might be working with.

Introductory Offer
If you would like a website or a new design for your current site then ntacreative will create a design for your site which will comprise a layout for your homepage FREE OF CHARGE.

From that design we will develope your complete site and we will quote you a fee based on content and complexity, number of pages, images and links. One aspect of web design that is very important is Website Optimisation. This is the process by which we add information in the form of coding that enables the site to be found by people who are looking on the internet for the products or services that you are offering. It is necessary from your point of view that people searching through search engines find your site at the top of the list.As with all forms of communication it is very important to have a clear idea of what you want to say before you start to construct your website but it is also vital to plan all the image files, photo's, illustrations and logo's ready before you start.

If you would like to know about web design or any of the other services we offer please visit our website at or email or phone on 07860 315602

Thursday 22 October 2009

nta Creative - A new start

Welcome to the new nta Creative blog. nta Creative is an advertising, design and marketing company who are in the business of creating powerful, relevant, effective and cost-effective advertising, design and marketing programmes for business of all sizes.

Set up in 1997 as Nixon Tidball Advertising and operating from offices in Covent Garden, London, the agency soon started working with major clients such as the National Health Service, Westminster City Council, The Training and Enterprise Council, Cannons Health Clubs and the Fitness Industry Association.

About ntaCreative.
The agency was founded by Simon Tidball and Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon started in mainstream advertising during the nineteen-sixties as a junior executive with the world famous Ogilvy and Mather. As an Account Executive, Richard worked on major international accounts, rose to board director level and was a personal friend of the agency founder, David Ogilvy.

Simon Tidball studied at Saint Martin's School of Art and gained a degree in Graphic Design entering the world of advertising with spells at Lowe Howard-Spink, Bates Worldwide and Evans Hunt Scot before joining Smee's Advertising as Creative Director. It was here that Simon and Richard met, soon started working together and developed a special relationship sharing a common philosophy regarding the business.

One of our first projects involved tackling the problem of hospital non-attendance by patients. This is costing the NHS over half a £billion annually. A successful test campaign in West London led to the campaign rolling out around the UK. Elements of the campaign included posters, leaflets, website, press advertising and stationery.

Many of our clients have asked us to create new identities for their companies or products and services. A famous name in Shaftesbury Avenue, Central London was in need of a new logo; The Golden Nugget Casino. The logo featured below captured the flavour of the casino in a design that really jumps out but is created in only two colours.

nta Creative specialise in logo design having designed idents for companies ranging from Boat-builders to Beauty salons.