Monday 23 November 2009

Wolf's Hair and Beauty - Success on the Web

When a business decides to change it's name, my advice is: 'You had better have a good reason for changing it and we'd better come up with a very good Identity'. Wolf's Hair and Beauty owner had a good argument. She had bought a salon called 'The Studio' and wanted to move away from the rather bland anonymous personality that it presented. Being called Wolfenden she decided on 'Wolf's' Hair and Beauty and we went ahead with designing a strong powerful logo.

When she saw the design it was an instant success but there was one element that unsettled her. Jan wanted the spikes in the halo to have rounded tips. So we looked at that and agreed it softened the image. The Wolf's logo has become one of the most recognised logo's in Uxbridge and the Wolf's website comes up on page one of search engine results. The website is having a dramatic effect on customer numbers with most of the new contacts coming as a result of internet searches.

So we have a new name, a website and good publicity. What we need now is for customers to have a great experience once they arrive at the salon, so we looked at styling the interior trying to create a warm, relaxing, comfortable environment for customers. When presenting to the client we showed different colour schemes, some to recommend but also sometimes it's good to show what doesn't work, this soften re-enforces the elements that give the best feeling and atmosphere.

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